As coaches we know many methods to improve the skills of our young players, but a crucial area and what determines if this process reaches the desired result is TRUST.
It is interesting to see how some players can achieve results above those expected or on the contrary some facts below their potential, and this is often due to the TRUST deposited by their coach.

Looking between different articles on the subject I will share some of the techniques they recommend:
- Losing fear; be it a failure, an injury ...........
- Focus on oneself and not others; The comparisons are not good.
- Play for yourself, do not try to please others (parents, coaches, ...)
- Try to be an efficient player, don't try to be perfect; we are humans and humans make mistakes.
- Focus on the process, not on the result; the results have many variables that do not depend on us.
- Give the best of you.
- Practice, practice, practice; the preparation gives us confidence.
